Rite of the Arras or 13 Coins

What is the 13 Coins Rite (Arras) and how can it enrich your Civil Wedding in Catania and Sicily

As a Civil Wedding Celebrant in Catania and Sicily, I like to celebrate unique and significative rites that represent the love and commitment of my spouses.

One of the rites I often suggest is the 13 Coins Rite (Arras), an ancient tradition typical of Southern Italy.

This rite, rooted in the Spanish Catholic tradition, involves the couple exchanging 13 gold coins before their vows as a symbol of commitment, prosperity, and cooperation in their new life together.

Historically, the exchange of coins represented the dowry offered by the wife to the husband.

Today, in civil weddings, the arras are a symbolic gesture that highlights the couple’s commitment to live in harmony, to support one another, and to share the fortune and prosperity that will come their way.

But why exactly 13 coins?

The Spanish Catholic tradition viewed 13 as a lucky number, connecting it to Jesus and the 12 apostles.

This superstition has been preserved in Italian tradition, particularly in the Neapolitan “Smorfia,” where 13 has always been the symbol of good luck.

Another tradition suggests that the 13 coins represent the couple’s riches that should be wisely divided over the 12 months of the year, while the thirteenth coin is a sign of charity, encouraging the couple to open their hearts and share part of their riches to help those less fortunate.

Over the centuries, each of these coins has been attributed a particular meaning:

  • Harmony: the desire to live in balance and serenity.
  • Generosity: that the couple should show towards each other, their family, and others.
  • Peace: a wish for a peaceful marital life, based on mutual respect.
  • Happiness: the pleasure and joy the couple hopes to share.
  • Wisdom: because self-knowledge and understanding of each other are fundamental to facing life’s challenges.
  • Love: the pillar of every marital union.
  • Support: the commitment to support each other in difficult moments.
  • Trust: the foundation of a solid and lasting relationship.
  • Unity: not only physical but also spiritual union.
  • Dedication: because love is a feeling that must be nurtured every day.
  • Cooperation: for the well-being of the family.
  • Joy: a wish to share moments of joy and happiness.
  • Respect: a fundamental value on which every lasting relationship is built.

Thus, the 13 coins symbolize not only the sharing of material wealth but also the couple’s mutual commitment to live according to the values listed above.

In a civil wedding, the 13 Coin Rite retains its deep meaning, but it can be adapted and personalized to reflect the couple’s individual values.

It is a tradition that holds great symbolic power and represents a wish for a life full of happiness and prosperity.

Would you like to celebrate your wedding with this rie?

Then call Giovanni Romolo Flaccomio, GRF Celebrant, Celebrant of Civil Weddings and Symbolic Rites in Catania and Sicily, on +39 346 436 5000 or write an email to grfcelebrant@gmail.com and request a free consultation for your wedding.

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