Customized Rites

Let's create a truly unique ceremony

for your Civil Wedding in Catania and Sicily

Do you want a REALLY unconventional wedding?

Would you like to make your wedding vows in a Viking style?

Would you like to have a picket of Jedi Knights with their lightsabers?

What if you get married on a Pirate sailing ship?

Or do you dream of going to the altar accompanied by a choir of Elves?

Remember that it is your ceremony and if you have a wish it is sacrosanct to make it come true.

By choosing me as your Celebrant you will find in me a partner who will always support all your choices.

Would you like to celebrate your wedding with this ritual?

Then call Giovanni Romolo Flaccomio, GRF Celebrant, Celebrant of Civil Weddings and Symbolic Rites in Catania and Sicily, on +39 346 436 5000 or write an email to and request a free consultation for your wedding.

Make your dreams come true.