Customized Rites

Let's create a truly unique ceremony

for your Civil Wedding in Catania and Sicily

As a Civil Wedding Celebrant in Catania and Sicily, I like to celebrate unique and significative rites that represent the love and commitment of my spouses.

Do you want a REALLY unconventional wedding?

Would you like to make your wedding vows in a Viking style?

Would you like to have a picket of Jedi Knights with their lightsabers?

What if you get married on a Pirate sailing ship?

Or do you dream of going to the altar accompanied by a choir of Elves?

Remember that it is your ceremony and my goal is to make your wedding dreams come true.

By choosing me as your Celebrant you will find a partner who will always support all your choices.

Would you like to celebrate your wedding with a unique ceremony?

Then call Giovanni Romolo Flaccomio, GRF Celebrant, Celebrant of Civil Weddings and Symbolic Rites in Catania and Sicily, on +39 346 436 5000 or write an email to and request a free consultation for your wedding.

Make your dreams come true.