Rite of the Fire and Light

What does the Fire Rite consist of and how it can enrich your Civil Wedding in Catania and Sicily

As a Civil Wedding Celebrant in Catania and Sicily, I am always looking for unique and personal ways to make my clients' big day special.

One of the rites I propose is the Rite of Fire and Light, also known as the Rite of Candles or simply the Rite of Fire, a particularly engaging rite in those ceremonies that take place at dusk or in the evening.

The Fire Rite involves the lighting of a candle, which represents the life and love of the spouses.

At the beginning of the Rite, the Celebrant places the Candle in the center of the spouses, they light two smaller candles, whose flames will converge and light the central Candle, which represents the love of the two spouses which unites two lives into one.

At this point the spouses blow on their individual candles, extinguishing them, then recite their vows and extinguish the central candle together. This gesture symbolizes the abandonment of the past and the beginning of a new life together.

The fire ritual has ancient origins and is based on numerous cultural traditions.

For example, in ancient Rome fires were lit to celebrate weddings and, according to some popular beliefs, the smoke produced by the fires ward off evil spirits.

Furthermore, in many cultures, the flame represents vital energy, so the fire ritual also symbolizes the union of the vital forces of the two spouses in a single life.

The fire ritual can be customized according to the preferences of the spouses. For example, music or quotes that have a special meaning for the couple can be added.

Furthermore, during the fire ritual, the witnesses and parents of the bride and the groom can also be involved, who can bring the lit candles to the future spouses.

Would you like to celebrate your wedding with this ritual?

Then call Giovanni Romolo Flaccomio, GRF Celebrant, Celebrant of Civil Weddings and Symbolic Rites in Catania and Sicily, on +39 346 436 5000 or write an email to grfcelebrant@gmail.com and request a free consultation for your wedding.

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